Years ago, before New Belgium Brewery arrived in Asheville, I had the privilege of touring their brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado. Their company motto was: “Where your love and passion manifest.” To my husband’s deep disappointment, I do not believe that I am called to be a brewer. However, my particular passion has always been working with others and supporting them as they manifest their love and passion in their own lives! This has played out in a variety of ways.
The majority of my work experience has been within the field of education. I’ve worked as a zoo instructor (which required me to handle tarantulas and alligators), a community support specialist at a youth shelter, a trained community support provider for autistic individuals, a Teaching Parent for young people with visual impairments, an autism outreach specialist for Buncombe County schools, a preschool teacher at Rainbow Community School, and as a school counselor. These positions tested my flexibility, advocacy skills, capacities to be creative, and challenged conventional understandings of mental health, identity, and our world. Each role also afforded me the chance to connect to others, in groups and in one-to-one settings.
After serving as a school counselor, I left that world in 2022 to embark on my current trajectory. These days I love being outdoors, working with neurodiverse and queer clients, and utilizing playful approaches to my counseling work.
No matter what brought you to this page, I am sending you well-wishes for your peace, your happiness, and your greatest fulfillment.
With Love,